Anyone who works with dogs knows just how we feel...#dogwalkerproblems However anyone who knows dogs can relate! So, enjoy phase two!
- When a mitten is taken by a is lost forever...RIP mitten.
- Or when you always carry a back up pair of gloves just in case a dog steals the first pair.
- When you walk long haired dogs (AKA doodles) and by the end of a snowy walk, the dog has transformed into a giant snowball!
- When the snow hasn't been touched yet and you have to plough your way through it one sweaty and exhausting step at a time...
- When everything freezes...including the mud!!!!...FINALLY
- When you are trying to eat your lunch with 6 pairs of eyes on you.
- When the burrs should be gone, yet, there is always at least one dog that comes back to your with covered in them.
- When all of the trails are half melted making them an icy nightmare that requires skates to navigate.
- When you shop based on things that can be worn to work.
- Although you try to set aside certain "dog-walker" clothes, everything eventually goes to the dogs.
- When the snow melts in the middle of winter and all of the dogs are covered in mud, yet no one has their hoses turned on yet...#muddydogs
- When you wear layers upon layers to prepare for the cold, yet you are sweating out on the trail.
- When the snow begins to thaw and the mud is EVERYWHERE!
- When some of the dogs have nicer winter wardrobes then you do.
- When you give a run-away-dog a buddy to stay close and the leashes trip you as they run by...
- When a dog goes to jump in the snow and completely disappears in a pile of deep snow.
- When you throw a ball or a stick for the dogs and it gets lost in the snow.
- When you slip and fall on the ice and all of the dogs run over to lick your face with big wet puppy kisses! #feelingthelove
- When you don't mind going out in the cold because you get to spend your day with a pack or two of dogs.
- When you love what you do and would not trade this job for any other.
Although like everything dog walking has its ups and down, I still wouldn't trade my job for anyone elses. We love each dog like they are our own! Go out and enjoy the snow with your favourite four-legged family members, they love it and you will too!
Tails Wags From the CompleteK9 Team
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