Wednesday, 3 August 2016

How to Find the Right Dog Walker

What to Look for When Choosing a Dog Walker or Sitter

      We've all heard of someone or have experienced ourselves, horror stories regarding dog walkers. That's because very few people know what they are looking for or what they are looking at for that matter. In this post I am going to unravel the wrapping paper that many people add onto their websites to make it appear like they know what they are doing. Here are some things to watch out for when choosing who you should hire to look after your four-legged family member.

  1. Read what people have posted about that person/company's service. With social media being as commonly used as it is, you are bound to find out the truth. Read the Reviews!
  2. Look what that person/company is posting and how they are portraying themselves professionally, online. 
  3. If the company is not insured, keep looking for someone that is. 
  4. Look to see if the company has a certified dog trainer, this will tell you if the person really knows what they are doing. 
  5. What kind and how much experience do they have? Have they worked with dog before and to what extent? You want to know that your dog is with someone who has the knowledge of dogs and how they work - how to work with a nervous or scared dog, how to manage a hyper active dog, etc. Ask the company many questions to get a clear understanding of all of this.
  6. Become a spy! Look to see if that person is posting pictures of the dogs on their social media pages, (instagram, twitter, facebook etc.). Although this may seem trivial, it shows how much they care/love their job. Which, is a good indicator of the care that your dog is receiving. 
  7. Do not get sucked in by the pretty wrapping paper that many people include on their sites. Know that anyone can proclaim themselves to be a dog walker/trainer. Look for the facts.
  8. The "bonded" title is one that anyone off the street can pay for, it says nothing of that person's certification or qualification to take care of and/or walk your dog. 
  9. If that person has a dog/dogs how are they with their dog/dogs? Do they have control? If that person cannot control their own dog/dogs, you should not trust them with your own. The last thing you want is for someone to start teaching your dog bad habits. 
  10. Ask about training, what type of training do they believe in? What type of training does their staff complete before they are trusted with your dog? These are not stupid questions and the answers can tell you a lot.
  11. Are they pet first aid trained? I know accidents happen, be it a branch to the side or glass in the paw. Each person looking after your dog should know what to do in these circumstances.

     It is amazing and awesome that so many people want to be a part of this thriving industry, however not everyone is suited for it. Know what to look for and who to look for when choosing someone to look after or walk your dog. Be aware that just because someone is a dog lover, it does not mean that they know dogs.  On the bright side, there are many qualified companies and professionals that are helping to make the lives of dogs better in every way possible, you just have to find them!

Tail wags from the Completek9 team!

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